Mongolia to Host Round 1 of 2019 EAFF Championship Qualification

At yesterday's annual EAFF meetings held in Busan, South Korea, several issues surrounding the next edition of the EAFF Championship were decided.
One of those decisions was that Mongolia will host Round 1 of qualification for the 2019 EAFF Championship. This will be the first time that Mongolia has hosted a match in any round of the bi-annual tournament.
It was also decided that Taiwan will host Round 2.
Earlier reports seemed to indicate that Round 1 would begin in July 2018 but it was announced at the meeting that it will kick off in September 2018.
Round 2 is scheduled to take place in November 2018.
In other news, the committee approved Ganbataar Amgalanbaatar as Mongolia's representative to the EAFF Executive Committee for the 2018 to 2020 term.